Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
Legislative Alert UPDATE: State Bill Would Reduce Penalties for Agricultural Businesses Who Don't Report Workplace Deaths and Injuries in a Timely Manner
House Bill 4031
On January 27, 2021 Representative Kahle (R) introduced House Bill 4031 (2021). As originally written, the bill sought to reduce the protections for all farmworkers who die or are injured at certain agricultural businesses by increasing reporting time and reducing penalties. The sponsor and secondary sponsors have indicated that coverage of all workers was not their intent for the legislation. They have stated that they are working to make amendments to the original language of the bill to apply ONLY to farm owners’ immediate family members working at certain agricultural businesses. If and when these amendments are presented, MIRC will remain neutral on this bill because it does not directly impact farmworkers; we appreciate legislators’ attention to our concerns about the original poorly-drafted bill. We do not support any action that reduces the ability of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) to protect workers and promote safe workplaces.
Primary Sponsor: Rep. Kahle
Secondary Sponsors: Rep. Bellino, Rep. Yaroch, Rep. Rendon, Rep. Cambensy, Rep. Witwer, Rep. Garza, Rep. Eisen, and Rep. Filler
The bill is scheduled to have a hearing on March 24, 2021 at 10:30 am in the Michigan House Committee on Agriculture. Meeting details can be found here.